In this topographical Site plan I have used pictures from Google earth as they best represent the site. Located on the northern side of Parti Peak Hypothesis Heights follows a gentle downward slope to the north. Smart Stream passes close to the base of the mountain where the gradient of the mountain is significantly flatter. It was difficult to create a sight as each of the houses original site plans were very different. Suitcase House is located at the base of a mountain and juts out of the earth creating a dominating aspect on the landscape. It has no close neighbours and is surrounded by trees. In stark contrast Balaam House is located in a densely populated suburb of Brisbane with neighbours in close proximity. The building has been designed with views of the river in mind as is the Suitcase House which features views of the Great Wall of China in every room. Lambert House is located in the leafy Brisbane suburb of Wilston with neighbours in close proximity and a large undeveloped area to the east of the building. With these site constraints in mind I have placed the 3 exemplar houses onto Parti Peak in the closest to ideal location. The trees located on the peak surround most of suitcase house and extend to the northern bank around Carpenter Hall House, Balaam House however is on the outer edge of this forest and therefore still enjoys views of Smart Stream. I have decided to locate my cabin east of Suitcase House. Here it can enjoy the views of Smart Stream whilst also maintaining privacy amongst a sparsely populated forest.