FUNCTIONALITY - Casting a question mark on the proverbial image of the house, the Suitcase House Hotel attempts to rethink the nature of intimacy, privacy, spontaneity and flexibility. It is a simple demonstration of the desire for ultimate adaptability, in pursuit of a proscenium for infinite scenarios, a plane of sensual (p)leisure.
Ergonomics - Mid level compartments fulfill most furniture requirements therefore little is needed. The furniture that is in the house is mobile and lends the house to be highly adaptive.
Purpose - To provide a space that can transform and suit the needs of each user, whether it is as a dining room, lounge, bedroom or dance floor.
Dynamic Spaces - The house has been design to adapt to different functions with a total upper floor space of 220m2 (44m x 5m).
Central Space - Due to its unique design the central space of the house is the entire top floor. It can be changed and manipulated to conform with the users requirements. FLEXIBILITY - A Metamorphic volume
Specifications/Restraints - It transforms effortlessly from a designers studio to accomodation for a variety of family groups. The Suitcase House can effortlessly transform from an open space to a sequence of rooms. Longevity - The materials of the house are extremly hard wearing and suitable for frequent use. The interior and exterior facades of the house are local timbers with an internal steel frame supporting the structure.
INTERCONNECTIVITY - Although users may be in different parts of the house they are still connected through the open plan layout.
Spacial Relationships - The top stratum is the main living space with the ability to change room configurations due to the vertical layering of the building. The bottom stratum is reserved for services, storage and maids' quarters.
Privacy/Noise/Traffic - The Suitcase House is located in a semi rural setting surrounded by a forest, there is a small road on the southern side of the building which creates minimal noise and provides easy access to the building.
Indoor/Outdoor Connection - On the top stratum the windows of the building can be easily opened to allow the surrounding forest to become part of the building.